Nannari Syrub (sherbet)




It is high time, we introduce our kids to our traditional drinks and explain to them the health benefits of these drinks. I love all the traditional drinks and this nannari sherbet made from nannari root is one of my favorites and I absolutely love the smell of nanari root. We mainly use nannari root for making a syrup /sherbet out of the roots which is very popular in India.

Nannari (Tamil), scientific name: Hemidesmus indicus is known all over India and its local names include Anantamuulah or Balyam or Dugdhgarbhaa (Sanskrit), Anantamul (Hindi), Nannari or Naruneendi (Malayalam), Sugandhi (Telugu), Anamtamula (Kannada), Suguddimalo (Odia) etc.

Nannari root also called as Indian sarsaparilla has wonderful health benefits:

1. Body coolant: Nannari root is a natural body coolant and if had as a sherbet during summer, it keep us from becoming dehydrated. It is so refreshing to drink a cup pf nannari sherbet after a long hot day out in the sun

2. Blood purifier: Nannari root is an excellent blood purifier and health tonic. Especially, if made with traditional jaggery, it is one of the best natural health tonics available and increases our energy levels

3. Urinary infection: This nannari sherbet is reported to be an excellent home remedy for urinary infection

4. Constipation: Consuming a glass of nannari sherbet also is a good and effective home remedy for constipation and it also relieves body pain.

5. For Digestion: This nannari sherbet is an effective way to treat our stomach disorders without swallowing bitter pills. If you have a mild indigestion or if you are not hungry, take a cup of this nannari sherbet, you will feel better in no time

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Weight 1 kg
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